We care about the environment and its quality. By implementing the project, we have increased the qualifications of workers of small and medium-sized businesses by means of designing and implementing an educational programme and the publication and expansion of a separate book. We not only deepened basic knowledge, but also strengthened the ability to solve problems and search for quality information in the field of corporate ecology.
Conclusions of the project:
The main output of the project was the creation of the training programme “Business Ecologist” and retraining of workers of small and medium-sized businesses. The educational programme was implemented in the form of distance education, i.e., using the e-learning form for self-study and the attendance form for meetings of participants with tutors at so-called tutorials. The intensity of the study was left to the choice of the workers depending on their own time possibilities.
The training programme was divided into several parts focused on individual environmental components. Within these parts, the programme participants were introduced to the basic environmental components and current professional knowledge in the field. The participants also learned where to find more information and how to use it.
The training programme was organized primarily for workers of small and medium-sized businesses based in Prague, both ordinary and executive workers.
The project outcomes included a separate publication.
VLČKOVÁ, J. a kol.: Podnikový ekolog. Praha: IREAS, o. p. s., 2006. 270 s. ISBN 80-86684-46-6. (download pdf in czech)
Research team: Jitka Šeflová