Economic tools can effectively help protect the environment. Within the project, we focused on the analysis of current and design of new economic tools in the area of nature and landscape protection in the Czech Republic.
The project dealt with the analysis of nature and landscape protection needs in the Czech Republic and the use of economic tools in its implementation. The analysis took into account the requirements connected with the accession of the Czech Republic to the European Union. These nature and landscape protection commitments relate in particular to two EU Directives called the Natura 2000.
The aim of the project was to evaluate the existing economic tools of nature and landscape protection and the possibilities of supplementing these economic tools. In addition, the project evaluated the economic tools and resources for nature and landscape protection that could be used to secure the obligations arising from Council Directives 92/43/EEC and 79/409/EEC (Natura 2000). The analysis also included cost quantification and design of a system of economic tools to secure the objectives of both directives.
MORAVEC, Jiří (ed.). Dotační programy a náhrada újmy v ochraně přírody v Evropské unii. Sborník z mezinárodní konference konané 24. března 2005. Praha: IREAS, 2005. 61 s. ISBN 80-86684-32-1. (download pdf in czech)
Research team: Jiří Moravec