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Modification of payments for surface water withdrawals to increase the effectiveness of water uses in the Czech Republic

Solution period: 01/01/2014 – 12/31/2015
Contract authority: Technology agency of the Czech Republic
Partner: T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute
Registration number: TD020020
Contact: Jan Macháč (machac@ireas.cz) | Lenka Slavíková (slavikova@ireas.cz)

The scarcity of surface water increases due to climate change. By charging the booked volume of water for harvesting, it is possible to achieve higher efficiency of water allocation among consumers. The created model can be used to determine the amount of the booking fee.

In the Czech Republic, the permission to withdraw surface water is currently free of charge (and therefore overused), causing increasing ineffectiveness in water allocation. The emission of new permissions might be threatened; public water management is burdened with extra costs for the supply of water that is not eventually used. The project proposes introduction of a payment for permitted amount of water (rather than factually withdrawn water) to increase the effectiveness of allocation and to open the door for possible future permission transfers among water users. Within the project, a simulation micro-model was developed in order to analyse impacts of various types of surface water payment modification.


SLAVÍKOVÁ, Lenka a kol. Analýza odběrů povrchové vody v ČR v letech 2001–2013, Praha: IREAS, 2014.  (download pdf in Czech)

SLAVÍKOVÁ, Lenka, VOJÁČEK, Ondřej a kol. Metodika k analýze modifikací platby k úhradě správy vodních toků a správy povodí za účelem dosažení vyšší efektivnosti při alokaci povrchové vody. Praha: IREAS a Výzkumný ústav vodohospodářský T. G. Masaryka, v. v. i., listopad 2015.  (download pdf in Czech)

Mikrosimulační model  (download xlsm in Czech)

Research team: Lenka Slavíková, Ondřej Vojáček, Tomáš Smejkal.