The cross-border Czech-Slovak project aims to protect the biodiversity of the cross-border area through cooperation in the field of conservation and coordinated management of natural important areas. It responds to the current threat to biodiversity of forest ecosystems in the Beskydy region due to ongoing climate change and offers system tools to mitigate the impacts of climate change in the future. This will increase the effectiveness of biodiversity conservation and restoration and promote the sustainable provision of ecosystem services.
The project is financed from the INTERREG V-A SK-CZ program
Project activities:
- Pre-realization meeting of the research team of the BESKYDY project – 31.5.2018
- 1st Coordination Meeting of the BESKYDY Project Implementation Team – 14.8.2018
- Completion of data collection through controlled interviews within the BESKYDY project
- 2nd Coordination Meeting of the BESKYDY Project Implementation Team – 3.4.2019
- Presentation of preliminary results from controlled interviews of the BESKYDY project – 14.5.2019
- 3rd Coordination Meeting of the BESKYDY Project Implementation Team
- 1st Participation Seminar within the BESKYDY Project – 15.5.2019
- Deliberative analyzes and internal team meeting for the BESKYDY project – August 2019
- 4th Coordination Meeting of the BESKYDY project of the Implementation Team – 22. 4. 2019
- 5th Coordination Meeting of the BESKYDY Project Implementation Team – 11. 11. 2019
- Report from the stakeholders interviews: perceptions of risk perspectives on climate change – February 2020
- Consultation of the adaptation plan with the participating project BESKYDY – February 2020
- 6th Coordination Meeting of the Implementation Team of the BESKYDY Project – 24. 2. 2020
- Information about the planned relocation of the final seminar of the BESKYDY project
Three key outputs – system tools – resulting from the synthesis of project activities include:
I) Strategic “Adaptation plan of the Beskydy forests” prepared in a close cooperation with local actors,
II) Interactive web-map application “Beskydy Forests and the Climate Change”,
III) Pilot project of the even-aged spruce forest conversion toward the nature close diverse forest.
Partners of the project:

Non-refundable financial contribution provided by:
Program: INTERREG V-A EN-CZ / 2016/04
Project code in ITMS2014 +: 304021D067
Total project expenditure: € 503,881.87.
Required amount of NFP: € 428,299.58.